Tru-Bolt Electronic Deadbolt Manual (Programming Instructions)

Tru-Bolt Electronic Deadbolt Manual

This article is part of my electronic deadbolt programming guides series. In this one, I will be showing you in detail how to set up a Tru-Bolt Electronic Deadbolt.

As I have always said, it is never a good idea to use the default settings on any electronic system. This would make your property vulnerable to security breaches. So let’s dive straight into the step-by-step guide on how to reprogram your Tru-Bolt Electronic Deadbolt.

How to Change the Programming Code

The first step to take when programming your Tru-Bolt electronic deadbolt is to change the programming code itself. The programming code or master code or administration code is the code used to make changes to the deadbolt such as create user access codes, enable auto-lock, vacation mode, and so on.

Your Tru-Bolt comes with a default programming code. This default code is 6 digits, which is 1 2 3 4 5 6. If you do not change it, bad actors could easily use the code to gain access to your space.

So, follow the steps below to change the programming code on your Tru-Bolt electronic deadbolt:

  1. Enter the default programming code, which is 1 2 3 4 5 6 and press the unlock button
  2. Press 4 and then press the unlock button again
  3. Then, enter your new 6-digit programming code and press unlock again
  4. Re-enter your new 6-digit programming code and press the unlock button again

The deadbolt will beep once and flash green. Then you know that your setting is successful.

If you have previously changed the programming code and want to set a new one, the process is exactly the same. Just enter the old programming code instead of 1 2 3 4 5 6 and continue with the rest of the steps to set a new programming code.

How to Add/Change User Codes

The next step to take in programming your Tru-Bolt electronic deadbolt is to change the user code. The Tru-Bolt also comes with a default user code. This is a security measure added in case you mistakenly lock yourself in or out without having set a user code.

So, you have to change this default 4-digit user code, which is 1 2 3 4 on a Tru-Bolt electronic deadbolt.


  • Each user code must be associated with an ID. Only one user code can be tied to one ID. The ID is an extra security layer of protection in cases where a user code is compromised.
  • The user ID must be any number from 01 to 50. That means it must also be 2-digit
  • The actual user code can be 4 to 8 digits
  • You can set up to 50 different user codes on a Tru-Bolt deadbolt

Follow the steps below to create a new user code:

  1. Enter your programming code and then press the unlock button
  2. Press 1 and press the unlock button again
  3. Enter a user ID. Remember, any number from 01 to 50. Then press the unlock button
  4. Next, enter the user access code that you want to set and press the unlock button again.
  5. Enter the new user code again and then press unlock button again

You will hear a beep and see a green light flash, if this is successful.

Make sure to test this new code by pressing the lock button to lock the bolt, and then entering the new user code to see if it unlocks.

Note that you do not need to enter the associated user ID when trying to unlock the deadbolt. The user ID tied to the user access code is solely administrative. For example, you use it to delete the user code as i will show you in the next section.

How to Delete An Existing User Code

You may want to delete an existing user code because you feel it may have been compromised. Or, you just want to set it to something more memorable or meaningful to you. You can delete the code following the steps below:

  1. Enter your programming code and press the unlock button
  2. Enter 2 and press the unlock button again
  3. Now, enter the ID of the user code that you want to delete and press the unlock button again
  4. Re-enter the ID and press the unlock code again

Now, you have successfully deleted the user code. You can now assign a new user code to the same ID.

To test the deletion, press the lock button to lock the bolt, and then enter the deleted user code. If it stays locked, you know the process is successful.

Delete All User Codes At Once

Say, you want to delete all the user codes that are created on your Tru-Bolt. This comes in handy when you feel that a user code has been compromised but you’re not sure which. You can delete all user codes using the steps below:

  1. Enter your programming code and press the unlock key
  2. Enter 3 and press the unlock key again
  3. Now enter the programming code again and press the unlock key

If successful, you will hear a beep and see a green light flash on the lock. As always, test with any user code and see if it still works for the lock.

After deleting all user codes, the only way you can unlock the door is to enter the programming code and press the unlock button.

How to Enable Auto-Lock

Autolock is an important feature on the Tru-Bolt, that allows you to set the bolt to lock automatically if left unlocked for a period of time. So, even if you forget to look the door, it will lock itself when the time wait elapses.

To enable auto lock follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the programming code and press the unlock key
  2. Next, enter 5 and press the unlock key again
  3. Finally, enter the auto-lock time delay you wish, for example, 2 0 for 20 seconds, and enter the unlock key again.

The time delay can be anything from 20 to 900 seconds.

If you wish to disable auto-lock, follow the same steps but enter 00 as the time delay instead.

How to Enable/Disable Vacation Mode

Another great feature of the Tru-Bolt Electronic deadbolt is the Vacation Mode Lock.

In vacation mode lock, the deadbolt enters a low power mode and disables all functionalities including the keypad and remote control.

This mode does not delete the user codes, it just prevents your lock from being accessible through the keypad or remote control.

And this is just a cool thing to have when you are away for a long period

Follow the steps below to set up vacation mode lock on the Tru-Bolt:

  1. Enter your programming code and press the unlock key
  2. Press 1 0 and press the unlock key again
  3. Press 1 and press the unlock key again
  4. You should hear a beep and see the indicator flash.

After doing this, no codes will work until you disable vacation mode using the steps below:

  1. Press and hold the unlock button for 5 seconds
  2. Then, enter your programming code and press the unlock button. This will disable vacation mode.

How to Reset a Tru-Bolt Deadbolt to Factory Settings

The most common scenarios that would warrant your resetting the Tru-Bolt to factory settings are:

  • You have forgotten your programming code and can no longer make changes to the Tru-Bolt
  • The Tru-Bolt is malfunctioning, and you have tried other troubleshooting options without success

Resetting the Tru-Bolt would normally fix these problems, but you must note the following:

  • All user codes will be deleted
  • All personal configurations such as auto-lock and vacation mode will also be removed
  • The programming code will be reset to the default 1 2 3 4 5 6

Now that you understand the implications, let’s go ahead and see how to reset the Tru-Bolt to factory setting:

  1. Remove the battery cover and remove only one battery
  2. Wait for 10 seconds.
  3. Reinsert the battery and wait until you hear a long and short beep
  4. Press the lock button 3 times within 3 seconds. Do not miss the 3 second window or this process will not work

If successful, the lock will beep and the light indicator will turn green.

Tru-Bolt Electronic Deadbolt Tips

1. Turn off key sound

You can turn of the keypad beep by following the steps below:

  1. Enter the programming code and press the unlock key
  2. Enter 6 and press the unlock key again
  3. Enter 1 and press the unlock key again.

If you wish to re-enable the sound, follow the same process but enter 2 at the last step, instead of 1

2. Secure Lockout Period

If you enter incorrect codes 4 times, there will be warning sounds and flashing lights, then the keypad shuts down for 60 seconds. During this time, you cannot enter any codes on the keypad.

Tru-Bolt Electronic Deadbolt Problems and Troubleshooting

Here are common problems and fixes for the Tru-Bolt electronic deadbolt:

1. Tru-Bolt will not lock or unlock electronically


  • Batteries may be weak. Replace them and try again
  • Make sure that batteries are placed in the correct directions
  • Wires inside the lock may be damaged or disconnected. If so, get a professional to fix it
  • Glitch in wiring harness. Disconnect and reconnect the harness.
  • Bug in the system. Reset to factory settings.

2. Keypad not working

  • Replace weak batteries
  • Wait 60 seconds and try again because you may have been secure-locked out after 4 incorrect tries

See table below for key indicators and their meanings:

Event Indication
Unlock/Valid programming 1 long beep and green LED
Lock 2 short beeps and red LED
Invalid programming 2 short beeps and LED flashed red twice
Low voltage Short beeps and 7 red LED flashes
Very low voltage 4 short beeps and 4 red LED flashes
4 incorrect code entries 2 short beeps and red LED after each wrong attempt
Power on 1 long beep and 1 short beeps with green LED
Chip reset 1 long beep, i short beep and green LED. This may happen from time to time on its own
Lock error 3 long beeps and 3 red LED flashes
Repeat operation after lockout 2 short beeps, 3 times

LED flashes red 6 times


Brady Klinger-Meyers is an experienced writer and marketer with who currently writes for Robodens as well as other popular sites like MakeUseOf and Techzillo. At Robodens, he focuses on general smart home advice with his interest being accessories and gadgets. Read our Editorial Guidelines and Fact Checking process.


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