You may be asking yourself why, why is your Starlink WiFi not showing up? This can be annoying when you need to be connected to a network.
There are a few things that you can check to see if this is what is causing the issue.
Is your Starlink in Bypass Mode? This can disable your network. Does your Starlink router have power to it? What about the app, do you need an update?
Below I will be going over the most common reasons that other users have experienced and ways that you can fix this problem of your Starlink WiFi not showing up. I also did a piece on Starlink connect but no internet, which could also be helpful for you.
Why is Starlink WiFi Not Showing Up?
1. Starlink WiFi is Disabled
One of the most common reasons why your Starlink WiFi is not showing up is that your Starlink WiFi is disabled. This is also called the Bypass Mode.
If your Starlink is in Bypass Mode this will disable wireless functions, causing your Starkink WiFi to not show up.
Download the Starlink app to get access to functions on your Starlink devices. Having the app will make using any Starlink device a lot easier for you.
Assuming you have the Starlink app installed on your mobile device, you can go into the app to see if the Bypass Mode is enabled on your Starlink. If that is the case this may solve the issue you are having.
Fix – Enable Starlink WiFi
Is your Starlink in Bypass Mode and your Starlink WiFi is not showing up? Thankfully there is a way you can disable the Bypass Mode and enable your WiFi once again.
However, when you take your Starlink out of Bypass Mode it will do a factory reset on your Starlink router. When that happens you will have to set up your Starlink like the first day you got it.
If your Starlink is not in Bypass Mode then this is not what is causing your WiFi issue. Read below to see what you should do next.
2. Starlink Router Has No Power
If your Starlink is not in Bypass Mode but your WiFi is still not showing up. The issue could be the lack of power that your Starlink router is getting.
If your Starlink router has no power or is plugged into a bad outlet, your wireless network will not work. When having any issue with your Starlink Device you should always check the power connection to see if this is the issue.
If you noticed that the LED light on your router is not on, that is your first sign that your router does not have power. Thankfully solving this issue is simple and will only take you a couple of minutes to complete.
Fix – Check AC Power Cable/Circuit Breaker
The first thing you should do when your Starlink router LED light is off meaning there is no power to your router, is to check the AC Power Cable. Is the AC Power Cable loose in any way? Is it damaged?
If your AC Power Cable is not damaged and your AC Power Cable is connected securely the next thing to check is the outlet your Starlink router is plugged into.
Try plugging the router into a different outlet and see if the power comes back. Note, if you notice that a certain section of your house is out of power then check your circuit breaker to see if that was the problem.
Circuit Breakers blow all the time, especially when there is a lot of power being drained from that one area. These steps should bring the power back to your Starlink router and within a few minutes you should see your Starlink WiFi pop up.
3. Starlink Router Needs a Reboot
If the issue is not with the WiFi being in Bypass Mode and your Starlink Router has a good power supply.
The next thing you can try to get your Starlink WiFi to show up once again is doing a reboot on your Starlink router. There could be corrupt files that are causing this issue to your Starlink router.
Doing a reboot can clear these corrupt files that may be present in your Starlink router. When experiencing any issues with your Starlink network doing a reboot on the router should be one of the first things you do.
Fix – Reboot Starlink Router
Rebooting your Starlink router is easy and will take a few minutes of your time. You can do this within the app or you can manually reboot your router. Follow these steps to reboot your Starlink router and see if your WiFi connection comes back.
Reboot Starlink Router Using Starlink App:
- Open your Starlink app on your mobile device.
- In the Menu on the app tap on the Setting option.
- Scroll until you see Reboot Starlink.
- Slide the toggle to the right to reboot your Starlink via the app.
Note, You will see that you are disconnected, this is because it will take a few minutes for your Starlink system to boot back up. Get after about 15 minutes to see if your WiFi shows back up.
Reboot Starlink Router Manually:
- Go to your Starlink router.
- Turn off your Starlink router by unplugging the AC Power Cable.
- Wait a few minutes to plug the AC Power Cable back into your Starlink router.
- Your Starlink router will reboot once you plug in your AC Power Cable.
Note, it will take about 15 minutes for your Starlink to reboot itself and to come back online.
4. Bug/Glitch in Starlink App
Another reason why your Starlink WiFi is not showing up could be a bug/glitch in the Starlink app. Having technical issues like a bug/glitch within the Starlink app can cause your Starlink WiFi not to show up.
This can be solved by either doing an update on your Starlink App and clearing the cache on the app.
Doing this can refresh your Starlink app, clearing any bugs/glitches that can be present in the app. If doing an update does not solve this issue you can uninstall and reinstall the Starlink app to see if this does the trick.
Fix – Update Starlink App/Uninstall and Reinstall Starlink App
As stated above there could be bugs/glitches within the app that can be causing your issue with Starlink WiFi.
Making sure your Starlink app is always updated to the latest firmware version is the best way to keep your Starlink App working at its optimal level. Another habit you are doing is clearing the cache on your apps.
This can also refresh and clear any issue that may be in the app. Follow these steps to check for updates on your Starlink app.
- Open your app store on your mobile device.
- Select your Account icon.
- Scroll until you see the Available Update option.
- Scroll through your updates, if you see the Starlink app then it needs an update. Note, if you do not see the Starlink app then your app is up to date and this may not be the issue.
- If your Starlink app needs an update follow the onscreen instructions to update your app.
5. Issues With Starlink Router
Has none of the options above solved the issue with your Starlink WiFi not showing up? There is one more thing you can try before you contact the Starlink Support team.
You can reset your Starlink to the factory setting. Yes, this will make you set up your Starlink like the first day you got it.
Keep in mind this can also refresh and clear any corrupt files that may be causing this issue with your Starlinks WiFi. When nothing else has worked to fix this issue, doing a factory reset might just be the solution.
Fix – Factory Reset Starlink Router
Doing a factory reset on your Starlink is simple but do keep in mind depending on what type of Starlink you have doing a factory reset may vary. I will be going over how to do a factory reset if you have the circular Starlink hardware. Follow these steps to factory reset your Starlink.
- Go to your Starlink router.
- There is a reset button at the bottom of your router.
- Press and hold the reset button until you see the light turn blue.
- Release the button.
- Wait a few minutes for your Starlink to reboot.
- Set your Starlink back up and see if the WiFi shows up.
If none of these solutions have helped and your Starlink WiFi is still not showing up it is time to contact the Starlink Support team.
They will go over what you should do next. There could be a chance that you have a faulty device that needs to be replaced. The Stalink Support team will tell you just that.
Even though Starlink is a reliable company like all devices there are chances that they can be faulty. You might have to replace the Starlink device with a new one to get your WiFi to show up.