The keypad door lock is easy to use and you look forward to opening or closing your door. But when you attempt to punch the numbers and unlock your door nothing happens. Even after several tries the keypad door lock will just not work.
Are you wondering why your keypad door lock is not working? Here, are some possible explanations and solutions to this very worrying problem.
Why is My Keypad Door Lock Not Working?
1. Your keypad door lock is not working because of low or dead batteries
Keypad door locks are battery-powered. Low or dead batteries cause the lock to breakdown and must be replaced.
Fix: Inspect and replace the batteries if needed.
After battery replacement you need to calibrate of unlocking and locking positions in Smart Locks.
2. Your keypad door lock is not working because it is jammed.
If your keypad door lock does not unlock, check that it is not jammed.
Fix – Manually opening and closing the door.
The issue is that when you manually unlock from the door from inside, then proceed to lock with keypad from outside, the keypad beeps to acknowledge that it the door is locked.
But when you physically go to check the door, you find that it is unlocked despite the app indicating that it is locked.
When you try to unlock with the keypad a lock jammed error appears because it’s already apparently it is already unlocked.
Fix 2 – Update the firmware on both the lock and the hub.
Fix 3 – Change the batteries in both the lock and the keypad.
If none of these fixes work then the lock is losing its calibration and is forcing the knob to “over turn” beyond the calibration set point.
Fix 4 – Recalibrate.
To recalibrate follow the instructions on the SwitchBot app. Calibration guarantees that the Smart Lock registers the locking and unlocking position. Follow this procedure.
1. Go to the settings page
2. Select Recalibrate
A pop-up message box appears saying “You are about to redo the calibration. Existing calibration data will be cleared immediately. Do you want to continue?
3. Click Confirm
4. Calibrate Switch Lock Page appears
There will be a message saying, “Close your door and lock it manually. Then tap Next. Underneath it will be a tip written, “Hint: Turn the thumbturn right where it locks.”
5. Tap Next
The next page will have a message saying, “Unlock the door manually. Then tap Next. Underneath it will be a tip stating, “Hint: Turn the thumbturn right where it unlocks.”
6. Press Next
There will be a message on the page written, “Open the door and lock it manually. Push the door so that it is right next to the door frame and tap Next at the same time.”
7. Click Next
The next page message will instruct you to, “Leave a gap, tap Test to Unlock and SwitchBot Lock will unlock.”
8. Release the door and tap on Test to unlock.
The lock automatically turns right and left showing locking and unlocking actions are possible.
Recalibration should work, if not then your problem is due to misalignment.
Fix 5 – Check that the midpoint of the thumbturn of the lock is coaxial with the center of the knob.
If it is not aligned correctly, your SwitchBot Lock may suffer excessive rotational force when locking and unlocking. If your SwitchBot Lock is used for a long time in this state, it may get jammed, or the device itself may fall.
If you manually recalibrated the lock multiple times but it still shows a jammed error, then you be facing a hardware failure.
Fix: Call SwitchBot Customer support. They are very responsive and will help you to troubleshoot, and may offer to credit you the price of your lock.
3. Your keypad door lock is not working due an inaccurate security code
Make sure you are entering the correct code. Some locks have a temporary lockout feature after a certain number of incorrect attempts, so wait a few minutes before trying again if necessary.
Did you forget the key code or typed in wrong digit too many times, and now the keypad door lock is not working? Then you need to contact a locksmith.
Fix – A locksmith can open your door and give you access to your property again if you don’t have the code to unlock your keypad door lock but have the key.
For Smart Locks or where you have no key call the Keypad door Lock manufacturer support line.
4. Your Keypad door lock is not working because you have a dirty, greasy or worn-out keypad or door lock
When there is excess dirt residue in the keypad lock, it will not turn. Also, when oil is used to lubricate a lock, the oil can touch other parts and prevent the lock from working appropriately.
Dirt, general wear and tear, grime, or on the keypad can cause some keys to be unresponsive.
Fix – Clean the keypad with a soft cloth and mild soap or detergent with lukewarm water to remove any grease or debris that might interfere with the keys.
Do not use chemical cleaners on your locks, as these can damage our doors.
5. Your Keypad door lock is not working due to damaged internal components:
The keypad door lock’s internal components, such as the motor, solenoid, or electronic circuitry, could be broken or faulty. In this case, the lock may need repair or replacement.
6. Your keypad door lock is not working because your Lock is old
If an old lock has been repaired, it is still is likely to break again and cost more to repair while a the new one will have a warranty for lifetime or ten years.
You can ask to locksmith to trade in your old one and buy a new one.
A lock can last for decades, except for when it experiences: abuse(Too much turning force), break-ins, attempted break-ins, you venting your frustration because you forgot the code and didn’t record and secure the code.
If you replace you old lock with the new lock: record the code and put it in your safe deposit box or phone or digital records, and replace the battery with a new one every year,
7. Your keypad door lock is not working due to a misaligned door or latch
It can be frustrating when door does not line up with your deadbolt or latch and you have to jiggle your keys to get or your keypad door lock will not allow you access.
If your door or latch is misaligned, it could prevent the lock from engaging or disengaging properly. The keypad door lock will be fine but the poor door or latch alignment will interfere with its operations.
For Smart Locks the locking and unlocking operation is hands free. If the doors are not properly aligned or adjusted, ill will affect performance of the lock as they can bind and shorten battery life.
Fix – Check the alignment of the door and latch, and make any necessary adjustments.
Adjusting your door for proper alignment is not hard. Doors take a lot of beating from constant locking and unlocking. The only way to fix a misaligned door is either through:
- Moving the door
- Or moving the strike plate
To establish why your door is not locking properly, first test where the deadbolt is hitting the strike plate by using bright lipstick, a grease pencil or sharpie to mark the deadbolt and when you close it into the jamb a few times you will see exactly where things are not lining up properly.
Rotate the thumbturn and you will hear the deadbolt striking the jamb and the plate and just open the door and the lipstick, sharpie or grease pen marks will indicate where exactly the deadbolt was striking.
If the lipstick mark is below the strike, then your door is sagging or lower than it should be.
To fix a sagging door, put a shim behind the hinge and hopefully that will raise your door back into alignment.
- Make your own shim using aluminum flashing or buy a plastic shim (view on Amazon) from your local depot.
- Trace the hinge on the aluminum flashing and don’t forget the hole for putting screws and then cut the template out.
- Drill holes for screws on the cutout and then screw on the cut out behind the door hinge. That should elevate the door and fix the sagging.
- Test it out. Close the thumbturn from inside and listen to the smoothness of the deadbolt hitting the strike plate.
If the lipstick mark is inside or outside the deadbolt range and is hitting the inside or outside of the strike plate then you need to adjust the strike plate to the left or right move the door either forwards or backwards back into proper alignment.
If the new screw holes for tightening strikeplate are too close to the old ones, put wood glue using toothpick into the old screw holes to seal these old holes and prevent the strike plate from sliding back into the old screw holes and going going back to the wrong alignment.
Instead of moving the whole strikeplate or adjusting the door hinges:
- Find a small tab located inside the strike plate
- and bend the tab forward or backward as desired
This forces door hinges to also move forward or backward and restoring the door alignment to proper position.
8. Your keypad door lock is not working because of a programming error
The lock may have a programming issue, such as a lost or corrupted user code. Consult the lock’s user manual for instructions on how to reset or reprogram the lock.
For a Schlage be365 keypad deadbolt manual follow the programming instructions to troubleshoot programming errors.
The color of the Schlage button indicates the status of the lock where:
- Orange shows that the lock is in programming mode
- Green indicates a correct user code was entered and the programming process is complete
- Red shows an incorrect user code was entered and there was an error in programming
- Red blinking light indicates critically low battery Codes
Control of the lock is simply managed via a six-digit programming code and four-digit user codes.
Programming codes are six numbers. The Schlage be365 lock comes preset with one unique default Programming code found on the stickers, one on the back of the keypad assembly and one on the front of the user guide document.
The six numbers put the lock in programming mode and do not unlock the lock. The first four numbers must vary from all of the user codes currently in the lock.
If you forget the Programming Code, you can reset the lock to factory settings, which restores the default Programming Code.
User codes are four numbers. The Schlage be365 lock comes preset with two unique default user codes found on the stickers, one on the back of the keypad assembly and one on the front of this user guide document.
User codes unlock the lock and must be different from the first four numbers of the programming code. You can store up to 19 possible user codes in the Schlage be365 lock.
9. Your keypad door lock is not working due to exposure to extreme temperatures
Some keypad door locks may not perform well in tremendously hot or cold temperatures.
These conditions interfere with the electronics.
Colder weather can cause a door to contract while hotter weather can make a door to expand. That’s why a lock that was initially working at the time of installation may work less efficiently over time.
Fix – Temperature-related issues may resolve as the temperature changes.
If you cannot settle the problem of your keypad door lock on your own or suspect a more serious problem, e-mail or call the lock manufacturer or a professional locksmith for assistance.
They can help spot the problem and advise on the suitable course of action to reestablish the functionality of your keypad door lock.