How to Enable/Disable Vacation Mode on a Schlage Lock

How to Enable Vacation Mode on a Schlage Lock

Did you know that the Schlage Lock had a Vacation Mode? What is Vacation Mode? When you Enable the Vacation Mode on a Schlage Lock this will temporarily deactivate all the User Codes that you have set on your Schlage Lock.

This better secures your home whenever you are going to be away from your home for a long period of time. None of the User Codes will work until you disable the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Lock.

Keep in mind that enabling and disabling the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Lock can differ depending on which Lock you have. Which is one of the most common Schlage Locks.

Read below on how to enable and disable the Vacation Mode on a Schlage Lock. 

How to Enable Vacation Mode on a Schlage Lock 

The first thing that you will need when you enable the Vacation Mode on a Schlage Lock is if you get your 6-digit Programming Code. This 6-digit Programming Code is one that you have created when you first programmed your Schlage Lock.

If you do not know the Programming Code for your Schlage Lock try the default Programming Code that is located in your Schlage Lock manual. However, you should set a personal Programming Code that is easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess.

This will make sure that others can not access the programming options on your Schlage Lock. Follow these steps to enable the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Lock.

Enable Vacation Mode Schlage Lock Model BE365, FE595, and FE575

The steps to enabling the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Lock are going to be a little different depending on what Model of Schlage Lock you own. Follow these steps to enable the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Lock Modle BE363, FE595, and FE 575:

  1. Go to your Schlage Lock keypad.
  2. On the keypad enter your 6-digit Programming Code.
  3. Wait until you hear three beeps and see the orange lights.
  4. Press the Schlage Button on the keypad.
  5. Press the 4 key, you hear one long beep and see a green light flash.
  6. Your Vacation Mode is now enabled, all of your User Codes will not be deactivated and not work until the Vacation is disabled. 

Enable Vacation Mode Schlage Connect Smart Deadbolt 

These steps to enable the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Connect Smart Deadbolt are a little different from the steps above. Follow these steps to enable the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Connect Smart Deadbolt.

  1. Go to your Schlage Lock keypad.
  2. On the keypad press the Schlage Button.
  3. Enter your 6-digit Programming Code.
  4. Press the 4 keys.
  5. You will see the Green check mark flash twice and hear two beeps. 
  6. Your Schlage Lock is now in Vacation Mode and all of your User Codes will be deactivated and no longer work until you disable the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Lock. 

Note, if you have your Schlage Lock linked to an app you can enable the Vacation Mode for the app you use for your Schlage Lock. 

How to Disable Vacation Mode on a Schlage Lock

Now that you are back to your home you will want to disable the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Lock. When you disable the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Lock you can now use the User Codes to access your home once again.

Disabling the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Lock is very easy and only takes a few steps. Follow the steps below to disable the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Lock.

Like when you enable the Vacation Mode you will need your 6-digit Programming Code to disable the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Lock.

Disabling Vacation Mode Schlage Lock Model BE365, FE595, and FE575

Follow these steps to disable the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Lock Model BE365, FE595, and FE575:

  1. Go to your Schlage Lock keypad.
  2. Enter your 6-digit Programming Code. 
  3. This will disable the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Lock. Unlock your Schlage Lock by entering your User Code to see if the Vacation Mode is disabled. If the Schlage Deadbolt unlocks when you enter the User Code you know the Vacation Mode is disabled. 

Disable Vacation Mode Schlage Connect Smart Deadbolt

Follow these steps to disable the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Connect Smart Deadbolt:

  1. Go to your Schlage Lock keypad.
  2. Press the Schlage Button on the keypad.
  3. Enter the 6-digit Programming Code.
  4. Your Schlage Lock is disabled, try unlocking your Schlage Lock using a User Code. If the Schlage Deadbolt unlocks with the User Code this means that the Vacation Mode is disabled. 

Note, if your Vacation Mode will not disable you may be entering the 6-digit programming code wrong. Make sure you enter the correct Programming Code on your Schlage Lock keypad to disable the Vacation Mode. If you do not remember your Schlage Lock Programming Code or do not have a personal 6-digit Programming Code.

Try using the 6-digit default Programming Code to see if this will disable the Vacation Mode. You can find your 6-digit default Programming Code on your Schlage Lock manual. If your Schlage Lock is linked to an app you can disable the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Lock via the app. 

My Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the Vacation Mode on your Schlage Lock is a great feature to set when you and your family are going to be away from your home for a long period of time.

This ensures the security of your home since enabling the Vacation Mode deactivates all the User Codes on your Schlage Lock. This means that the only way you can unlock the Schlage Lock is either with a physical key, the app if your Schlage Lock is linked to an app, or using your personal 6-digit Programming Code.

Even people who have a User Code programmed on your Schlage Lock will not be able to access your home until you disable the Vacation Mode. Remember if you are having issues with your Schlage Lock at any point contact the Schlage Lock customer support. 

Brady Klinger-Meyers is an experienced writer and marketer with who currently writes for Robodens as well as other popular sites like MakeUseOf and Techzillo. At Robodens, he focuses on general smart home advice with his interest being accessories and gadgets. Read our Editorial Guidelines and Fact Checking process.


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