When you install a new Defiant Electronic Deadbolt lock, you would need to reprogram it with personalized codes. This is not just a matter of choosing your own favourite passcodes, it’s also an important security measure to take. This is because, using the default settings shipped with the lock will leave you exposed to unauthorized entry.
In this article, I have provided you with step-by-step, easy-to-follow guides on how to program your new Defiant Electronic Deadbolt.
How to Reset a Defiant Lock to Factory Settings
Many users and guides suggest that you start reprogramming your Defiant Electronic Deadbolt by changing the master code. However, in practice, I have found that the correct first step to take is to reset the lock to factory settings.
The reason is that the Defiant Electronic deadbolt comes with some preprogrammed codes, in addition to the master code. You may find that you are unable to create up to the 10 allowed user codes for your deadbolt if you do not do the factory reset first.
Also, leaving these preprogrammed codes could expose you to security compromise. So, let’s first reset the Defiant Electronic deadbolt using the steps below:
- At the back of the door, that is, the side that faces inwards the room, locate the back of the deadbolt
- Push in the 2 clips on each side of the deadbolt and pull out the cover to reveal the batteries
- Pull one battery out, leaving the rest installed in place
- Press and hold the Set button while you put the battery back in. Do not release the button
- Wait until you hear a long beep and 2 short beeps, then release the Set button
Now, the deadbolt has been reset to factory settings.
How to Change the Master Code on Defiant Lock
The next step in programming the Defiant Electronic deadbolt is to change the master code. The master code is a six-digit code that comes preprogrammed with the Defiant lock.
The master code is also the code that you use to configure all other settings on the deadbolt. Think of it as a default administrative password.
To change the default master code:
- Locate the back of the deadbolt
- Push in the 2 clips on each side of the deadbolt and pull out the cover to reveal the batteries
- Press and hold the Set button until you see a red flash. This time, do not remove any battery
- Now, go to the keypad and press the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 and then press the lock button
- Then press the number 1 0 and the press the lock button again
- Finally, enter your own new 6-digit master code and press the lock button again, to set your new master code.
- The indicator should flash yellow.
- Finally, wait 30 seconds for the configurations to complete before testing your new master code.
To test your new master code:
- Press the lock button to lock the deadbolt. Please do this with the door open
- When the bolt is locked, enter your new master code to unlock the bolt and confirm that the new code works.
How to Add/Change User Codes on Defiant Lock
The user code is the standard code that you use to access or unlock the door. You can store up to 10 user codes on the Defiant Electronic Deadbolt. As I explained earlier, you would need to use the master code you created above to create each user access code.
Follow the steps below to add a user access code on the Defiant Electronic deadbolt:
- Hold down the Set button at the back of the deadbolt after removing the cover
- Hold the Set button until you hear a beep, then release the button
- Next, enter the master code that you created earlier and then press the lock button
- Next, press 2 0 and then press the lock button again
- Finally, enter your new user code and press the lock button again
You have successfully created a new user code.
Wait 30 seconds and then test the new user code by pressing the lock button, and then entering the new user code to unlock the door.
How to Delete An Existing User Code on Defiant Lock
Another thing you may want to do is to delete an existing user code. This is especially useful when you no longer want a user to access the door using the code. This process only works for deleting a single, existing user code.
To do so, follow the steps below:
- As always, press and hold the Set button until you hear a beep
- Next, enter the master code and then press the lock button
- Next, press 3 0 and then press the lock button again
- Finally, enter the user code to be deleted and press the lock button again to delete the single user code.
How to Delete All User Codes at Once on Defiant Lock
Similarly, you may want to delete all the programmed user codes at once. Deleting all user codes is a good idea when you feel that the wrong person may know a user code for your Defiant Electronic deadbolt. After deleting all user codes, you can then set new ones for better security.
Follow the steps below to delete all user codes at once:
- Press and hold the Set button at the back of the deadbolt
- Enter the master code and then press the lock button
- Next, press 4 0 and then press the lock button
- Then press the lock button again
If successful, the yellow indicator will flash on the lock. Now, you have deleted all user codes.
How to Enable One-time Use Code on Defiant Lock
One-time use code is great for landlords or when you are bringing in a vendor to your house and want them to only access the property once. This means that the code will no longer work after that singular use.
Follow the steps below to set a one-time use code:
- Press and hold the Set button at the back of the deadbolt
- Enter the master code and press the lock button
- Press 2 1 and then press the lock button again
- Finally, enter the one-time use code and then press the lock button again
You have now set a user code that can only be used once.
To test:
- Wait 30 seconds
- Press the lock button to lock the deadbolt
- Enter the one-time use code to unlock the bolt
- Press the lock button again to lock the deadbolt
- Then enter the one-time use code again. This should not unlock the bolt again
How to Enable Auto-Lock on Defiant Lock
As humans, it is possible, and in fact, common, to forget to lock the door on exit. This is the essence of the auto-lock feature. Auto-lock locks your Defiant Electronic deadbolt if it is left unlocked for some time.
To enable this feature, follow the steps below:
- Press and hold the Set button at the back of the deadbolt
- Enter the master code and press the lock button
- Enter 8 0 and then press the lock button again
- Enter 1 and then press the lock button again to turn on auto lock.
On Defiant Electronic deadbolt, the auto-lock feature activates after 10 seconds of the door being unlocked. This is the default.
However, 10 seconds may not be ideal for your situation. So, you can adjust the auto-lock activation time using the steps below:
- Press and hold the Set button at the back of the deadbolt
- Enter the master code and press the lock button
- Enter 7 0 and then press the lock button again
- Next, enter the auto-lock delay you wish to set. For 30 seconds, enter 3 0 and then press the lock button
This sets the auto-lock time to your desired duration. You can set the time from 10 to 99 seconds.
To turn off auto-lock completely, follow the steps below:
- Press and hold the Set button at the back of the deadbolt
- Enter the master code and press the lock button
- Enter 8 0 and then press the lock button again
- Enter 0 and then press the lock button again to turn off auto lock
How to Enable/Disable Vacation Mode on Defiant Lock
Another great feature of the Defiant Electronic deadbolt is the Vacation Mode Lock. This feature stands Defiant apart from other keyless lock products.
In vacation mode lock, only the master code can unlock the deadbolt. This does not delete user codes, it simply invalidates them for the period you are away, until you come back to re-enable the user codes.
Follow the steps below to set up vacation mode lock on the Defiant deadbolt:
- Press and hold the Set button at the back of the deadbolt
- Enter the master code and then press the lock button
- Press 5 0 and then press the lock button again
- Then press 1 and then press the lock key to enable vacation mode lock
- You can test by locking the bolt after 30 seconds and then entering any user code to see if it unlocks the door.
To disable vacation mode lock and enable user code access, follow the steps below:
- Press and hold the Set button at the back of the deadbolt
- Enter the master code and then press the lock button
- Press 5 0 and then press the lock button again
- Then press 0 and then press the lock key to enable vacation mode lock
- You can test by locking the bolt after 30 seconds and then entering any user code to see if it unlocks the door.
How to Turn off the Beeper on Defiant Lock
If you, like many other users, wish to turn off the Defiant Electronic deadbolt’s beeping sound, you can do that by following the steps below:
- Press and hold the Set button at the back of the deadbolt
- Enter the master code and then press the lock button
- Next, press 6 0 and then press the lock button
- Finall, press 0 and then press the lock button again to turn off the beeper
However, it may be a good idea to leave the beeper on so that you know when your number inputs are taken by the deadbolt.
To re-enable the beeper:
- Press and hold the Set button at the back of the deadbolt
- Enter the master code and then press the lock button
- Next, press 6 0 and then press the lock button
- Finall, press 1 and then press the lock button again to turn on the beeper
Defiant Electronic Deadbolt Problems and Troubleshooting
In this section, I will provide solutions to common problems with the Defiant Electronic deadbolt
1. Unable to change master code
The default master code for the Defiant Electronic deadbolt is 123456. If you follow the steps provided in this article to change the master code and it does not work, then it means either that you are entering the wrong master code that you set, or the key was pre-owned and the master code was changed from the default 123456.
In any case, the only solution here is to restore the deadbolt to factory settings by following the steps I provided in this article.
2. Keypad not responding
If the keys on the deadbolt keypad are not responding, check the following:
- The batteries may be weak. Replace all the batteries at the back of the deadbolt with high-quality alkaline batteries and see if this resolves the issue
- If changing batteries does not solve the problem, then reset the deadbolt to factory settings using the steps provided in this article
3. Auto-lock Feature Not Working
Auto-lock is not enabled by default in the Defiant Electronic deadbolt. You would need to enable it using the steps I provided in this article.
If you have enabled the feature and it still does not work, the most likely reason is that the batteries are weak.
If the batteries are good, then wait for some time and try again. It is likely due to a glitch in the system.
4. Manually Lock the Defiant Electronic Deadbolt
If auto-lock is not enabled, or if you want to lock the deadbolt immediately, simply press the lock button to lock it.
To unlock, enter your user code and wait for it to unlock.